What is Domain?

Domain is given a unique name to identify the name of the server computer as a web server or email server on the internet. Domain make user can access the server easier than they have to remember the row number or a known IP.

What's the Difference Domains and Hosting

Hosting is space in the server computer that is used as the placement of existing data and files. Domain is the address used for data placement and to place the file.
In a simple analogy:
Domain = your provider card Number (081xxxxxxxx)
Hosting = device your mobile phone (nokia9500, motorola vrazer etc.)

Level Domain
Top Level Domain is a row behind the word domain names like

1. . Com (dotcommercial)
2. . Net (dotnetwork)
3. . Org (dotorganization)
4. . Edu (doteducation)
5. . Gov (dotgoverment)
6. . Miles (dotmilitary)
7. . Info (dotinfo)
8. etc.

There are two types of Top Level Domains, namely the Global Top Level Domain (gTLD) and Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD). gTLD is like that on the list above and the ccTLD is designated TLD for each country, like Indonesia with the ID code (co.id, net.id, or.id) or Singapore with code SG (com.sg, net. sg, etc).

Second Level Domain (SLD) is the domain name you register. For example the domain name you register is domainku.com, then the SLD and domainku. dan .com is the TLD.

Third Level Domain is the name after the Second Level Domain. For example the domain name you have is domainku.com, then you can add another name before domainku, namely mail.domainku.com or estrex.domainku.com. Other services that sell third-level domains one of which is eNom to:. us.com,. br.com,. cn.com, etc..

There are manu free domain that can you access like co.cc , .tk etc

Comments :

domina mengatakan... on 

This post would help the people to learn the basics of the domains..
Buy domain names

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